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How To

How to Reboot Router

3 Mins read

What is Restart/Reboot Router?

Although a fantastic instrument, human language is not particularly regarded as being effective. There are many different ways to say the same thing, so language used by router makers, internet service providers, and tech support workers can occasionally be perplexing.

Actually, there is no distinction between a router reboot and a router restart. They both refer to the identical action of switching a router off before turning it back on right away. There's also more room for confusion because many routers also feature a "reset router" button.

All articles on how to reset routers boil down to pushing and typically also holding the reset router button on your router, which will totally delete all of its settings, reverting it to its factory configuration. Pressing the reset router button is typically not necessary for resolving common network issues.

All you have to do is turn your router off before turning it back on. The next part of this essay explains exactly how to accomplish that.

What is Restart/Reboot Router?

How to Reboot Router

You may be asking why you even need to know how to reset the router. Why not just disconnect it from the electricity and then plug it back in? There are a few reasons for this, which we'll discuss when we get there:

1. Unplug your modem first, then your router.

  • It goes without saying that there will be just one device to unplug if your router includes a built-in modem. However, you must unplug the modem before the router if your router is connected to one that was given to you by your internet service provider.

  • By disconnecting the router first, you may avoid the possibility that it will detect the loss of internet connectivity before being shut down and enter an emergency mode that could last even after it is no longer connected to electricity.

Unplug your modem first, then your router.

2. Wait for at least 10 seconds.

  • Each router maker has at least a few distinct models, and there are several different router manufacturers overall. While some routers may contain memory chips that need a few seconds to erase any recorded information, others may have tiny batteries within that enable them to save important data in the case of an unexpected and fast loss of power.

  • Additionally, if you leave your router off for a long time, your internet service provider will have a chance to observe that your laptops and other devices are offline, which may result in an automated response from them.

3. Reconnect your modem first, then your router.

  • Once more, you should reconnect your modem first and allow it time to completely power up to avoid confusing your router when it's time to reconnect your router.

  • We advise giving your modem at least a minute to receive a public IP address. Keep an eye on the modem's LED lights since they show its status.

Reconnect your modem first, then your router

4. Make a cup of coffee or tea for yourself.

  • In other words, give yourself at least two or three minutes before checking to see whether you're online again.

  • It does no use to check to see whether you're back online before the router's startup procedure is finished since some routers boot up considerably more slowly than you may anticipate.

5. Check the internet.

  • You can check your internet connection's bandwidth to different locations by using WiFi speed test applications.

  • If the website loads at all, you must have an active internet connection. To determine if you are capable of reaching the maximum speed, you should also perform the test.

How to Avoid Router Reboots

Overheating or out-of-date firmware are the two main causes of router issues. Routers may overheat much like your desktop or laptop computer since they are really just little, highly specialized computers.

Never put a router next to a heat source or tuck it up behind furniture where it can't get enough fresh air. Of course, positioning a router next to or behind heavy things made of metal or hiding it behind furniture would also drastically restrict its coverage.

Older devices frequently need to be manually updated using their web interface, in contrast to newer routers that can update themselves automatically. The router's IP address, as well as the username and password for the administrative user, are required to access it. Make careful to first check the back of the router because both are frequently printed there. We advise you to look for support online if you can't find the information because the majority of routers include extensive documentation.

How to Avoid Router Reboots

Final Thought

As you can see, learning how to reset your router involves more than you may initially imagine. Unfortunately, a simple router reset won't be able to fix every network issue. More complex issues call for more complex diagnostic and troubleshooting techniques, but that's the subject of another article.

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About author
Jeffrey Edward is the founder and lead reviewer at With over 15 years of experience evaluating gadgets and gizmos, Jeffrey brings a unique perspective and enthusiastic voice to product reviews and recommendations. Outside of technology, Jeffrey enjoys photography, hiking and visiting local museums. He founded e-Gear to share his passion for discovering innovative products that make people's lives better.
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